I can't believe it's 8 days since I last posted.
In that time I've had some of the most severe delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) imaginable, my weight has fluctuated, my limbs got bigger then got smaller. Life has been a bit manic with getting on Dax Moys KCA course at the very last minute this past weekend and having to rush to get cover at the gym, miss my brothers wedding suit fitting and walking around London for 2 hours trying to find a hotel.
Anyhoo, the DOMS has subsided and in some warped, twisted kind of way I'm enjoying the torture of the workouts. I seem to be getting stronger and more agressive as the workouts go on, which is strange for me.
I'm the same weight, but definitely leaner. My problem is I need to eat more, oh and sleep more. My 3 year old son keeps wetting the bed-we're trying to get him out of nappies during the night-so lots of disturbed sleep : (
My weight did drop below 12 stone at one point, but I cranked up the calories and am just over 12 stone although leaner.
I willget my wife to take some motre picture and post them asap and get some measurements